Monday 2 April 2012

The Freedom that Comes with Innocence

Day: 8

Up: 6:02am

Left for Work: 6:59am

Video: Marco Tempest - A magical tale (with augmented reality)

What if we could live in our own augmented reality? We hope to live in the magical, but we are forever settling for the mundane.  Whatever happened to suspending our own disbelief - to believing in the improbable, the impossible?! Here's the thing - we all know how.  Most of us have even practiced this at one point in our lives. The sad thing is, we left it behind. Probably by the swingset, or dangling hopelessly from the monkey bars for the next kid to find - someone willing and able to use it.  That's right, folks, I'm talking about your imagination! It doesn't have to be anything "crazy" like we experience as children (or, for some, adults), such as talking to animals, creating imaginary friends, etc., but could be as simple as allowing yourself to daydream, see what you choose to see in the shapes that life provides you with! That crumpled leaf is now a paper crane.  That lump  of dirt by the side of the road is a bull mastiff (for Courtenbaum ;)). This morning on my walk with Sadie, I imagined a spark of light shooting from the newly bloomed daffodils.

Why do we tell ourselves these things are silly? Because they are! Isn't that the point? Why do you think kids are so happy all of the time? We can't really begrudge them this innocent happiness if we are too pompous to experience it for ourselves! We stifle our own imaginations; tell ourselves we are above that, and then we get frustrated at our lack of happiness. I, personally, am taking a stand against it! :) I'm going to look for the colours of the rainbow in a spray of water.  I'm going to see sparks where they don't exist, and you can bet that the next appropriately shaped crumpled leaf is going to be a paper crane, or a dragon, or a griffin; it will be whatever I want it to be.