Tuesday 27 March 2012

Realization of Potential

Day 2

Awake: 7:35am

Left for School: 8:33am

Video: Donald Sadoway - The missing link to renewable energy

Have you ever given any thought to the energy crisis? Of course you have.  It's an important issue; one that is all emcompassing.  Everyone is affected whether they see it or not.  Danald Sadoway sees it in great and original ways.  The MIT proffessor, along with one of his students, has created a containable, sustainable energy source - a battery - out of antimony and magnesium, two extremely abundant resourses. 

Now, I don't know a blasted thing about the procurement of energies other than what this guy just told me, so I have to take it all at face value.  That being said, these ideas - his ideas - are very exciting.  These men can create a cell large enough to supply 200 households with power.  Why wouldn't that be great? But what really struck me; the thing I noticed the most, was actually only his sidenote.  He said something to the effect of, "yes, I'm inventing things, but there's more.  As a mentor [(to his student/partner)], I am inventing inventors!"

Of course this is what I would pick out of a fifteen minute conversation about batteries, energy, and heavy metals!  This concept was what captivated me on my walk this morning.  What is this concept? And then it happened! :-o A man riding his bike smiled at me and I thought insantly, "I should ride my bike soon!"  This guy didn't even know that he just shaped a thought in my brain. 

Then, there was the slow, sad man that walked by,

the smiling poodle,

and the bitter a.m. neighbour.

These people's mere presence gave rise to the realization of the potential that lives within each of us as we encounter anyone or anything in a given day.  A transfer of energy takes place, wherther is affects our day or our though process alone.  With this in mind, I set out for the day thinking about the only sustainable energy I can speak at any length about - POSITIVE ENERGY!

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